Simulation Research
September 01, 2016
Wild Robot Motion Study and Data Repository
Wild Robot: Weazelball motion study and data repository.Project page:
October 17, 2015
Adaptive Integration for Controlling Speed vs. Accuracy in Multi-Rigid Body Simulation
This research focuses on approaches for speeding multi-rigid body dynamics simulation of robots with intermittent contacts.The speed of such simulations seems to be reaching a performance asymptote. Wang (2013) profiled sucha simulation (using Gaz...
October 01, 2014
Grasp Simulation Study and Data Repository
Grasp simulation study and data repository.Project page:
July 01, 2014
Simulation of hopping robot
This is a Moby simulation of a hopping robot on terrain. Sam Zapolsky implemented the controller for the robot, which we simulated using adaptive integration (Bulirsch-Stoer) and continuous collision detection.
April 01, 2014
Time Consistent Simulation
TCS: A framework for time consistent simulation.Project page:
January 01, 2010
Dynamic robotic simulation
O(n3) convex complementarity-free contact modelOur multi-rigid bodycontact model requires time O(n3) inthe number of contact points to solve. Using any one of numerous widelyavailable interior point solvers yields numerical robustness,true frictio...
January 01, 2009
Continuous collision detection
Continuous collision detection (CCD) permits accurate time of contact determination andcomputation of contact data (points and normals) in multi-rigid bodysimulation. CCD methods are also usable for motion planning algorithms.Our method works with...