Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345]
|\CMoby::ArticulatedBodyAbstract class for articulated bodies
| \CMoby::RCArticulatedBodyDefines an articulated body for use with reduced-coordinate dynamics algorithms
oCMoby::ConstraintStabilizationProjected constraint stabilization mechanism
|oCMoby::BVAn abstract bounding volume
||oCMoby::AABBAn axis-aligned bounding box
||oCMoby::BoundingSphereA sphere used for bounding geometry
||oCMoby::DummyBVAn abstract bounding volume
||oCMoby::OBBAn oriented bounding box that optionally allows building an OBB tree
||oCMoby::SSLA sphere-swept line (SSL) that optionally allows building an SSL tree
||\CMoby::SSRA sphere-swept rectangle (SSR) that optionally allows building an SSR tree
|oCMoby::Polyhedron::EdgeThe edge structure
|oCMoby::Polyhedron::FaceThe face structure
|\CMoby::XMLTreeAn XML tree used for serialization
oCMoby::Polyhedron::FeatureA vertex, face, or edge in a polyhedron
|oCMoby::Polyhedron::EdgeThe edge structure
|oCMoby::Polyhedron::FaceThe face structure
|\CMoby::Polyhedron::VertexThe vertex structure
|\CMoby::FixedJointDefines a joint for fixing two bodies together or fixing one body to the ground
oCMoby::ImpactConstraintHandlerDefines the mechanism for handling impact constraints
oCMoby::IndexedTriAn indexed triangle
oCMoby::IndexedTriArrayAn array of triangles indexed into shared vertices
|\CMoby::JointDefines a joint used in articulated rigid body dynamics simulation
| oCMoby::FixedJointDefines a joint for fixing two bodies together or fixing one body to the ground
| oCMoby::GearsDefines a gear ("joint") constraint
| oCMoby::PlanarJointDefines an actuated spherical joint
| oCMoby::PrismaticJointDefines an actuated prismatic joint
| oCMoby::RevoluteJointDefines an actuated revolute joint
| oCMoby::ScrewJointDefines an actuated screw (helical) joint
| oCMoby::SphericalJointDefines an actuated spherical joint
| \CMoby::UniversalJointDefines an actuated universal joint
oCMoby::Log< OutputPolicy >Moby's logging utility
oCMoby::MatrixBlockMatrix block
|\CMoby::CcolorVisitorThis OSG NodeVisitor colors all Geometry & ShapeDrawable of a single node
oCMoby::PairwiseDistInfoStructure for storing the pairwise distance between pointers to two CollisionGeometry objects
oCMoby::PenaltyConstraintHandlerDefines the mechanism for handling Penalty constraints
|\CMoby::PlanarJointDefines an actuated spherical joint
oCMoby::PlaneDefines a plane using the equation <n, x> = d
oCMoby::PolyhedronA potentially-non-convex polyhedron of genus 0
|\CMoby::PrismaticJointDefines an actuated prismatic joint
|\CMoby::RCArticulatedBodyDefines an articulated body for use with reduced-coordinate dynamics algorithms
oCMoby::RCArticulatedBodyInvDynDataWrapper class for passing data to and from inverse dynamics algorithms
|\CMoby::RevoluteJointDefines an actuated revolute joint
|\CMoby::RigidBodyRepresents a single rigid body
|oCMoby::DegenerateTriangleExceptionException thrown when trying to perform an operation that requires a normal on a degenerate triangle
|oCMoby::ImpactToleranceExceptionException thrown when constraint violation is greater than a desired tolerance
|oCMoby::InvalidIndexExceptionException thrown when trying to access the index beyond the range of the data
|oCMoby::InvalidStateExceptionException thrown when an integrator tries to evaluate a derivative at an invalid state
|oCMoby::InvalidVelocityExceptionException thrown when an integrator tries to evaluate a derivative at an invalid velocity
|oCMoby::LCPSolverExceptionException thrown when LCP solver can't solve
|oCMoby::SingularExceptionException thrown when trying to invert/solve with a non-invertible matrix
|\CMoby::UndefinedAxisExceptionException thrown when axis has not been defined but user calls operation that requires its definition
oCMoby::SDFReaderUsed to read the simulator state from XML
oCMoby::SparseJacobianA Sparse Jacobian representation along with multiplication routines
|\CMoby::SphericalJointDefines an actuated spherical joint
oCMoby::TessellatedPolyhedronRepresents a three-dimensional polyhedron
oCMoby::UnilateralConstraintContainer class for describing a unilateral constraint in the simulation
|\CMoby::UniversalJointDefines an actuated universal joint
oCMoby::URDFReaderUsed to read the simulator state from URDF
oCMoby::Polyhedron::VertexFaceIteratorIterates over the vertices in a face
|\CMoby::BaseClass from which all Moby classes are derived
| oCMoby::CollisionDetectionDefines an abstract collision detection mechanism
| oCMoby::CollisionGeometryDefines collision geometry that may be used (in principle) many ways: for rigid bodies, non-rigid bodies, ..
| oCMoby::ContactParametersClass for storing contact modeling parameters between two bodies
| oCMoby::Dissipation
| oCMoby::OSGGroupWrapperA wrapper for OpenInventor OSGGroup class, supporting serialization
| oCMoby::PrimitiveDefines a triangle-mesh-based primitive type used for inertial property calculation and geometry provisions
| oCMoby::RCArticulatedBodyInvDynAlgoAbstract class for performing inverse dynamics computation on a reduced-coordinate articulatedc body
| oCMoby::RecurrentForceUsed for applying forces to the simulation on every time step
| oCMoby::SimulatorSimulator for both unarticulated and articulated rigid bodies without contact
| \CMoby::VisualizableClass that allows for visualizing simulation data
oCMoby::XMLAttribAttributes used for XML nodes
oCMoby::XMLReaderUsed to read the simulator state from XML
\CMoby::XMLWriterClass for writing Base objects (and their derivatives) to XML